Plugin Version V1.1.3

Our Tyl by NatWest Payment Plugin for WooCommerce is more than just a payment processing tool; it’s key to offering consumers a shopping experience that minimises hassle for you, Our cost effective plugins offers consumers popular and convenient payment methods such as cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay which ensure a smooth, frictionless and secure payment journey.

  • Craft personalised payment options tailored to your needs
  • Simplify the checkout process for a smoother customer journey
  • Amplify brand trust and credibility
  • Elevate customer satisfaction
  • Uncover valuable financial insights
  • Manage payment options securely from any device
  • Professional Installation option available

As your business embarks on a journey of growth and evolution, rest assured, we’re your steadfast partner, committed to helping you extract maximum value from our innovative solutions. Take the leap toward success today!

Autify’s professional installation service ensures your website is set up and ready to take payments for a fixed fee.

Tyl by NatWest WooCommerce Integration

  • Free Support
  • FREE Updates

Tyl by NatWest Online Merchant account required Click here to apply

Autify Digital is a Tyl by NatWest integration partner, providing you with the tools you need to integrate Tyl by NatWest Payments into a WordPress built website.

Integrating Tyl by NatWest Payments into your WordPress website is more than just processing transactions; it’s a catalyst for revolutionising your e-commerce capabilities. Bid farewell to operational hurdles and open the doors to limitless expansion.

Our trusted security solution isn’t just for happy customers. It’s here to make sure your online business is secure and problem-free. We’re like your protective shield, guarding your business from any threats and keeping your data super secure. Your peace of mind means everything to us!

Unlock your e-commerce’s full potential with our Tyl NatWest Payments WordPress Integration. It’s not just ordinary; it’s adaptable to suit your unique needs perfectly.

Rely on our team, we’re ready to handle any job, whether it’s large or small, to make sure your integration matches your every need effortlessly. Your e-commerce is customised just for you!

This user guide will be provided to our merchants and essentially contains step-by-step guidance on how to access Autify’s website, register and download our plugins.

After requesting your download, you will receive an email confirmation with access to the product.

For any further support with your download or the plugin, please email

All major Credit and Debit Cards, (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express), Digital Wallets (Apple Pay & Google Pay). For more information on supported payment methods reach out to Tyl by NatWest’s support team.

No, we offer a ‘Professional Installation’ service for a one-off fixed fee. Our teams will carry out the installation work and offer you any support required until your website is fully operative and taking payments. If you wish to use this service, make sure you tick the ‘Professional Installation’ option at checkout.

Yes, but don’t worry the plugins are FREE, just make sure you add each plugin to your cart individually ensuring you enter a different ‘Domain’ for each one. If you need support with this please email us at